Thursday, December 13, 2012

Marriage and Mission

Since I have been on this blog journey of my own 
I have been fascinated by reading other blogs as well
I have my few favorites I like to read daily
I don't personally know any of them
but that is ok because in a weird, round about way I feel we are friends

They encourage me
They inspire me

They continue to give me hope for my future
They encourage me to deepen my faith
They inspire me to love deeper
And sounds like a good friend to me

For example, below is a post from a women about marriage
She and her husband are Christians who desire to serve Christ
Who love Christ with all they have

This post from Katie is exactly the kind of marriage I desire of my own someday

Read below and get inspired 


i preface this small and humble observation by merely pointing out i am no expert. 
that is, i've only been married one year to be exact. 

but in this one marvelous turn of the world,
where 365 moons have passed,
and we have only begun to learn the depths of care for each other,
a lovely truth has truly emerged so striking and so profound that I cannot deny it. 

ahh yes, and this is it:

we are better together, than apart. 

not just in the earthly sense which fills my most physical needs 

but in the most beautiful divine

when Kev and I began to talk about marriage, I began to wonder what the point of marriage was.  It wasn't because I had bad examples, far from that. Both sets of our parents have been married over 30 years and are unmistakably in love.

it was a deep sense of wondering how I could ever love God and people, more, being married.  
and then I got married and discovered that God's plan for marriage is just that. 
to work together as a team to radiate Christ's deep agape in a fuller expression. 

and herein lies the point of this small post. 
i so believe marriage is about mission. 

it's about being called by God as a team
to have a purpose higher than yourselves
to laugh and love and cry and journey with meaning
it's about fulfilling the great commission with your heavenly Love and your earthly dearest

and when we serve the Lord in tandem
and i watch kevin pick up a small child and swing him around
and read him stories
and pray with him
I am ever more in love with that radiant soul
because I am watching our Savior seep out of him

and that is glue. 
that binds. 

when we crawl out of our world
and together reach into the epic calling of Abba
is when we find life
and life together. 

henri nouwen says, 
"...marriage is foremost a vocation. Two people are called together to fulfill a mission that God has given them. Marriage is a spiritual reality. That is to say, a man and a woman come together for life, not just because they experience deep love for each other, but because they believe that God loves each of them with an infinite love and has called them to each other to be living witnesses of that love. To love is to embody God's infinite love in a faithful communion with another human being.

to say that we've attainted this fully would be foolish.
no, no, we struggle on. 
but last night as we both shared how we desire this next year of our marriage to look,
we knew it was to be centered around mission. 
that all who encounter us would be covered in a higher, deeper, richer heavenly love. 

because marriage isn't just about pleasing our earthly selves,
it is about serving a divine King and living out His calling on our lives

and boy is it one great adventure. 

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