Monday, September 9, 2013

Live Out Your Calling

I have always been a dreamer, well maybe more of a hopeless romantic
A year ago I could not have told you what dreams I had
Yes, there those dreams of getting married and having a family
But I never found myself having real specific dreams

However, this past year the Lord has placed dreams on my heart that I never saw coming
It has been one whirlwind of an adventure to fulfill some of those and then to dream some more

This past year I have also felt more doubt then ever before
I fall into Satan's trap of thinking I am not good enough to have dreams
I am too foolish
They are too big
They cant be accomplished
It is just Satan's way of attacking us in our most vulnerable state

Satan knows when we start dreaming, we get dangerous
We gain hope and confidence!
We discover just how powerful we can be when we are filled with the spirit to fulfill those dreams!
Our true calling, our purpose for His kingdom

I would like to share those dreams
Almost all of them are dreams that have come into my heart just this past year
God is doing amazing things in my heart
He is transforming it exactly for Him
For His kingdom
The Lord has placed these dreams on my heart for a reason
He promises to fulfill those desires of our hearts
 Beautiful and exhilarating

I dream to travel to Africa and shine the light and love of Christ on many children
I dream to travel to every major cities Children's Hospital and pass out Joy Jars
I dream to have a platform that allows me to go into hospitals and spread faith hope and love.
I dream to be baptized in the Jordan River with my husband, Beth and kevin
I dream to be debt free in two years
I dream to have a marriage that has a ministry and platform to share the gospel
I dream to travel the world with my husband
I dream to have a family and raise my children to know Christ and be an example of His love
I dream to travel the nation and run races for charity
I dream of helping young women who have walked along the same path as me
I dream of having a marriage that serves others and is a godly example to others
I dream of marrying the man God created for me in front of all my friends and family


  1. just found your blog from Erin over on twitter! cute design :) she did great - by the way, we have a lot in common...I can tell we're gonna get along. lol. Come say hi if you get a chance!

    1. Thank you! I am new to the blogging world but excited to see where it takes me. I will definitley head over and say Hi! Thanks for thinking of me and following me! :)

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I would love to hear how you are enjoying your journey!