Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday- My week through Instagram

Happy Friday!

It is one of those weeks where I am yelling from the roof tops my window
Thank Goodness Its Friday!

It is not a surprise that I love Instagram
I also love my morning time devotions
However, I have a little horrible habit of going straight to social media instead of the Word first
I dont know if I am the only one who has this problem
It is so easy to turn off my alarm on my phone and then touch the Instagram app or Facebook app
I mean really Jessie? What could possibly go on in the last 7 hours that you need to know?
Answer- NOTHING is more important 

With that, I have decide during this season of Lent I have given up social media  and to turn straight to the Word first. Some mornings easier to abstain than others but I have found I creating this habit and going to the Word I am filled with more peace for my day

Anyway, that was a side note for this Five on Friday
Here is my week through Instagram 

My worst nightmare is happening at work right now
Monday started off with an empty canister of Spark
I cant go a couple hours without one, so yes 8 hours was horrible
#gotenergy #gotspark 

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. 
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us " Hebrews 12:1
He hasnt marked the path the way I planned, but finally finding my stride
#surrender #betterthanimagined #lifeisnotasprint

Still training for my half May 4th down in California
My friend Jamil and Lisa will be running with me
I still cant believe this will be my 4th half
I never thought I would be a runner
Never say never I guess!

The time is now! 
My brother and his roommates are about to start on a journey to healthier and sustainable lifestyle starting with the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge to give them a kick start! I am looking forward to coaching them to reach their goals but more importantly create a healthy lifestyle
#thetimeisnow #gotenergy #lookfeelandperformbetter
Are you ready for a change?
Do you need more energy?
Want to feel better?
Advocare is not a diet but a lifestyle change
Ask me about the 24 Day Challenge
I would love to coach you too! 

Thursday (but really Friday)
#TBT 2006 on Friday 
My partner in crime for life
Nothing is better than going through life with a sister 

Advocare Oasis and HGTV with the roommate
Ending my night and week with what I love best
A low key night with AdvoCare Oasis tea and HGTV
Actually, I think my roommate is going to start Space Jam
Yes, Space Jam #nojudgement

With that I say goodnight, God Bless and Happy Friday!

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I would love to hear how you are enjoying your journey!